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When he isn't out repossessing cars, Ryno is checking in with Dee Nee oftentimes from the sitting position...and by sitting position I mean squeezing out a nasty poo while using his laptop.

Common themes in Ryno's posts include:

  • the Cubs and the balls they continually suck
  • his wonderful family
  • poo
  • MVP Baseball and the supposed beatings he administers to Bonny
  • the Cubs and the balls they continually suck

Some of Ryno's claims to fame:

  • Rumored to suck at RBI, but this has never been proven (except for his 1-50 record vs JoeDirt)
  • Lost his fucking mind and deleted his almost 2500 post account
  • Recreated himself by posting at an alarming rate which currently sits at almost 40 posts/day
  • Met Fireman Ed while catching a Jets game in New Orleans
  • Is considered to be gay because he had a "doodlebops" aviator
  • Once beat JoeDirt 8-3 with Mn (vs SL), including 3 homers by Kent Hrbek